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short story


​screenwriter ​

I have been writing short stories since my early childhood and have written  ​many pieces that have received praise in the academic realm.

In 8th grade I took it upon myself to go to my local public library and borrow a plethora of books on the topic of screenplay writing and taught myself how to write a full length feature film screenplay and since then have written a few short story screenplays of my own.

One of my many passions is designing commercial artistry. I studied under the famous commercial arts teacher Mr Juul whom has engrained in me a fantastic sense of design, originality and creativity.

I have dabbled in photography for two years and have gained a great understanding for the world around me and how to interpret my viewpoints via the aperture of a lens.

My name is Thomas Grzesiakowski. "Tom Griz" for short. I am in independent photographer, commercial artist, and writer. I have a passion for creation and powerful drive to rise above and succeed in anything I set my mind to. When I work on a project I don't publish it until I know I have fulfilled its potential, resulting in high quality creations.


commercial artistry


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